Author: Melanie Almeida

  • Learning Python with FreeCodeCamp

    I have lost count of how many times I have started the “Scientific Computing with Python” certification by FreeCodeCamp. I started it so many times, only to give up when reaching the first project or get distracted by other Python learning materials. I bought three books to read, started YouTube videos I didn’t finish, and…

  • Learning the hard way from my first chess tournaments

    At first, I wanted to write about my first chess tournament on January 11th. But procrastination got the best of me, and I’ve played in two more tournaments since then. Then, I thought about writing a long, detailed article on how I went from a beginner to a high ELO player (maybe 1600-1800). But a…

  • Reviewing 2024

    Reviewing 2024

    I attended Nesslabs‘ “Annual Year in Review” workshop this year. The last time I joined was in 2020, and I regret not making it an annual habit. But better late than never! This article is the result of this year’s workshop. On the work front, 2024 was a continuity and a conclusion of 2023’s challenges.…